09 February, 2006

Einser Kanal


I implore you to read The Bridge at Andau by James Michener. Written in 1958, he documented the evils of communist with interviews of those crossing the Einser Canal.

I took an entire day to see if what Mr. Michener had written and foretold would happen. It did! A commemorative bridge was built by the Hungarians 40 years later. The trip was well worth it and I hope these pictures will entice anyone looking on this blog to read the book and relive with those brave Hungarians who battled Soviet Tanks in Budapest and endured the graphic Torture rooms. Beware, rated R.Another name is Eisner Kanal.


Blogger Chief RZ said...

Here is an online historical account and personal observations.


I welcome comments from my friends in Ungarin/Hungary/Magyarorszag.

Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Hungarian Revolutiion is often overlooked here in the United States. It was a precursor to the "Czech Summer" and the rise of Solidarity and was a harbinger of the fall of the Soviet Union. I have a very good friend whose family managed to get out of Hungary in 1956 and she and I will never forget the Hungarian struggle for freedom.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Hungarian Revolution is often overlooked here in the United States. It was a precursor of the "Czech Summer" of 1968 and the rise of Solidarity. It was a harbinger of the fall of the Soviet Union. I have a very good friend who managed to get out of Hungary and escape to Ireland in 1956. She and I will never forget the sacrifices of those Hungarian patriots for freedom.

Blogger Griz said...

I will implore with you. The Bridge at Andau, is a very good book. I was just a kid during the Hungarian Revolution. But, the memory of the heroic fight, by the Hungarian people, has stayed with me.

Blogger Griz said...

I will implore with you, read The Bridge at Andau. It is an excellent book, I was only ten years old during the Hungarian Revolution. The memory seeing the brave Hungarian people, on TV, battle Soviet Tanks, is with me to this day.

Blogger f mcdonald said...

Ok, you all have me convinced to buy a copy. It maybe a good selection for our book club.

I too have a memory of the tanks rolling in and the adults wondering when we were going to step in and help.

Blogger Chief RZ said...

f mcdonald, You may need to special order it. I do this on a regular basis. I sent a copy to the HS Principal who was involved with not allowing the Marine to speak in class in Washington State. They finally changed their minds after a bit of peer pressure.

Blogger Chief RZ said...


The first link has failed. Here is some good footage:


and a good portal including hungarian links:



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