28 November, 2008

Memo For Record 2008

Two years after the Democrats took over the congress, the national debt increased to : $10,658,356,277,853.89. That is a $2,070,021,293,453.25 increase or put another way, a 24% increase in two years!

Unemployment: 6.5% That is a 47% increase.
Reference: http://stats.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm

The price of gasoline has been up and down with a high of over $5.00 to an average of a little under $2.00 in the last six months.

We have had no terrorist attacks on our country.

God save us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The price of gasoline has been up and down with a high of over $5.00 to an average of a little under $2.00 in the last six months.

As I recall, our more liberal friends were blaming ~$5.00 a gallon gas on the greedy oil barrons Bush & Chenney, as well as the evil greedy oil companies, a they swore there was a conspiracy to strip Americans of their hard earned wages via the gas pump.

Now that that the oil market has corrected itself and gas is back nearly to where it was in 2001, shouldn't they be thanking Bush, Cheney and the oil companies for their generosity?

Turns out in the end that those of us who said all along this was the result of supply and demand were right afterall. A lesson our liberal friends will be, I'm sure, quick to forget.

Blogger Chief RZ said...

Thanks for the post. I have been a bit busy.
Liberals are virtually unable to comprehend the law of supply and demand, nor personal responsibility.
They take no shame in what they say nor their behavior(s). They act like children.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberals are bullies...they like telling others what to do...makes them feel good about their insecure being...we need JOBS!
Got to stop driving business out of America.
A working society has less crime, less health problems, and better everything. And, no need for liberal do gooders who really want to own others. Obama is not the guy for the job.


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