02 June, 2006

Uniform Code of Military Justice -- UCMJ

This code of laws, approved by congress outlines the rules by which those who voluntarily enlist in our military and take the oath to defend our country from enemies, both foreign and domestic, contain consequences more punishing and restrictive than those in the civilian world.

However, there are many who are ignorant of this. I suggest anyone not familiar with the term UCMJ click the link associated with the title above. In any operation involving human beings, there will be differences of opinion as to what course of action should have been taken.

Those who engage in this type of speculation are what many call Monday Morning Quarterbacks. These people are so quick to condemn, but are afraid to even think about doing similar work themselves. In my opinion, they are cowards. Enlist, help our country, or shut up.


Blogger Brooke said...

Should we not reserve judgement untill the Marines are finished with the investigation?

Blogger Chief RZ said...

Brooke- Absolutley! Sometimes my posts are not direct enough. Thanks for your support. The integrity of our military and indeed, our nation is as risk this time and every time some liberal, social democrat uses our good name to make a name for himself.
T.l. -- They are indeed. Thanks for the "second"!


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