Not dodging bullets in Iraq

The Truth: Twice in the last month, shots have been fired at a small coffee shot-type restaurant that I go to chat with some men my own age. Several large windows have been replaced and the last time, a bullet hole could clearly be seen. This is in America! Not Iraq!! See the link below:
Neal's challenge to Bill Kristol
Mr. Kristol's magazine article
Linked on the dots above are Michael Yon's first hand observations.
I will not attend Neal's funeral if he were to be caught in the crossfire here, or in: East St. Louis, Detroit, Oakland, anywhere in Los Angeles, NYC, Chicago, Atlanta, Cleveland (cabbage hill) or numerous US Cities including our own "green zone" in Washington, D. C.
Not once while in a war zone in Mosul, Iraq did I see evidence of small arms fire in over four months there. That is The Truth.
Wow, what a great post! When were you in Mosul?
Thanks, Amy. April-July 2004. We installed a heavy mobile RADAR unit to enhance landings and takeoffs during bad weather. In addition, we upgraded the regional airport there in preparation for our eventual departure allowing the Iraqi government to speed up their commerce. There was a civilian terminal that was not too damaged after Sadam was deposed.
Awesome Blog Post.
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