During a conversation with a "Meg" on another blog, she was "screaming" that the STATISTICS show "blue states" were safer and had less crime. Various people stated instances to counter her, so I finally devoted about one hour to settle the issue. No reply yet from "meg". (of course) Liberals are long and loud on accusations, but do not know how to discuss facts, nor even acknowledge them. So, here is part of the conversation and the results:
For a good comparison of crime per capita, how about
http://www.census.gov/prod/2001pubs/statab/sec05.pdf ? Am I correct in thinking that your contention is that "red states" have more crime per capita than "blue states"? Red states being those who voted for Kerry in 2004 and Blue states being those who voted for Bush. (yes)
OK, here are the results,using:
http://faculty.vassar.edu/lowry/VassarStats.htmlfor two independent variables (means) from the 31 "Red States" vs. the 19+DC "Blue States" on Robbery. I was about to use the Murder rate, but the 1 superscript led to a definition [includes nonnegligent manslaughter]We should agree that nonnegligent means "accident". I can run some other numbers, as can any of you with an undergraduate statistics course. I do have two graduate courses on design and analysis. Mean (average per-capita [meg] Reds= 111.0323; Blues=170.65. The t-test calculated to -1.96 which equates to a .05 for a two-tailed test.
This is a significant difference! The direction is toward the Blues, which means that people who live in Red States are "safer" from robbery than those people living in Blue States. This scientific method can be replicated and I invite others to validate my results.
UPDATE: Here is another study that appears to be scientific. Any comments?
I invite comments and speculation on why conservatives, in general, are safer.